FIEA Game Engine - Cross-Platform Data Driven Game Engine built with modern C++

FIEA Game Engine is a cross-platform data driven game engine i developed using C++ while I was doing my masters degree @ FIEA, UCF. It uses C++17 standard & JSON as a configuration language. CPPTripleSlash VS plugin is used to properly document every single class and function. It also features Unit tests for all classes striving for maximum code coverage for Quality Assurance.

FIEA Game Engine features custom STL like containers ( Singly linked list, Vector, Hashmap ) along with Iterators, Custom polymorphic homogeneous data type called Datum, Scope, Entities, Factory, action-reaction system and Event Queues. Various design patterns ( Singleton, factory, composite, chain of responsibility & observer) are implemented in this engine. You can find entire source code as well brief information about each module on project's GitHub link Here.

FIEA Game Engine is one of the challenging project i've worked on with more than 20000 lines of codes to understand modern C++, design patterns, documentation and Unit testing. Goal was to understand how game engines are developed from ground up and how they consume data. In the end, me and my collegues ported one rapid prototype we made earlier in Unity Engine into this custom engine. You might like to check out gameplay video at the bottom.

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