Tantalus Initiative is a cinematic venture production, an experiement we did during final semester @ FIEA, UCF to learn about Unreal Engine 4's realtime capabilities. Aim of the project was to create a '2 minute cinematic' as a means to explore the strengths and limitations of the engine.
I worked on this project with a group of other talented collegues. Initial phase involved setting up project, blocking out cameras based off the character concepts and storyboards. Motion capture is used instead of key-frame animation considering small team and time constraints. This project also features a modular gun rig which is based off a Beretta model. We have a dedicated website for this project where more information about whole project development as well as team members can be found Here.
Being solo programmer on this team, I helped setting up Project, Version control, Render farm using Unreal Engine as well as VR controls for the project. In the final days, I developed the website for the project.
Here is the storyboard and some of the concept art for the project which are created by Rene Bencik, who served as the Director for the project.