Update:- 12th May 2017 -> I repeatedly tried contacting major licensing firms in past few months but no luck. Although copyright law allows "fair use" to publish covers for "educational purpose", I might have to upload chords progression videos to YouTube which I am not interested in. So publishing guitar riffs has been currently put on hold. :(
21st October 2016 -> Getting "Mechanical License" for making Guitar Covers is difficult in India. Many guitar enthusiasts upload their videos on Youtube without licenses but it's technically Illegal. I don't want to indulge in any sort of accidental Copyright Infrigement.
I have already contacted 2 major licensing firms in India viz., "Phonographic Performance Ltd." & "Indian Performing Right Society Ltd." regarding mechanical licenses but I am yet to receive any reply from them.
If this issue persists then I will consider uploading covers of "Non-Copyright Music" available on the Internet. Till then do keep visiting this website to know status updates.